Render Cleaning

Render cleaning in Bristol


Enhance your property’s appeal with expert render cleaning in Bristol.

Maintaining the visual allure of your Bristol property demands careful attention, and render cleaning emerges as a crucial factor. Over time, the exterior surfaces can become tainted by unappealing algae, lichen, fungi, moss, mold, and environmental pollutants, eroding the overall grandeur of your residence or business. This is precisely where A Cleaner Exterior, a reputable name with over 25 years of hands-on experience, comes into play, offering top-notch render cleaning solutions.

A Cleaner Exterior’s adept team employs a gentle yet remarkably effective approach that incorporates “Soft Washing” and advanced steam cleaning techniques. This dynamic method targets and eliminates the pesky algae, lichen, fungi, moss, mold, and atmospheric impurities that often mar the visual appeal of your property’s render. Through this innovative technique, not only is a thorough clean achieved, but potential damage often associated with aggressive cleaning methods is also effectively prevented.

Bristol’s distinct climate can encourage the rapid growth of these undesirable elements on external surfaces, necessitating swift and effective action. A Cleaner Exterior’s specialised render cleaning services guarantee a remarkable transformation, breathing new life into your property’s appearance and reinstating its original splendour.

With over 25 years of experience, A Cleaner Exterior has earned a reputation for excellence in render cleaning in Bristol. Our team understands the unique challenges posed by different types of render and exterior surfaces, and they tailor their approach to each specific project. This attention to detail and commitment to quality sets us apart as a reliable choice for render cleaning.

Professional render cleaning solutions in Bristol.

The advantages of render cleaning reach beyond mere aesthetics, extending to the longevity of your property’s external surfaces. By eradicating detrimental growth and pollutants, you’re effectively bolstering your property’s structural integrity, which can potentially spare you from future hefty repair bills.

How to remove algae from render and decorative finishes.

We have found threw 17 years experience, the very best way to clean colour through renders such as K-Rend, Parex, Monocouche and Weber is to first apply a biocide.

This will get to the root cause of the problem and kill any organics. Then we remove any remaining residual staining using super heated steam over (100 °C). These machines run at very low pressure and only use between 5 -7 litres of water a minute.

Smaller jobs where the condition of the render is not too bad can be completed using telescopic equipment safely from the ground. Larger buildings or difficult to access elevations we can use MEWP’S or scaffolding.

Free quotations for all render cleaning services in Bristol.

Say goodbye to unsightly algae, lichen, fungi, moss, mold, and atmospheric pollution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can enhance your property’s beauty. Let’s make your exterior shine!

Please complete the contact form below or reach out to one of our friendly team members at 01225 683707.

Contact Details

01225 683707


A Cleaner Exterior, 47 Moyle Park, Trowbridge, England, BA14 7UE

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